Sue Conley, WI State Assembly Representative 44th District

"I am happy to support Ann Roe as candidate for the 44th Assembly District. She has demonstrated her commitment to our community for many years. She is an active listener and experienced communicator, and her work as a nonprofit leader, educator, small business owner, and community advocate provide a well-rounded background to serve her community in the Assembly in Madison."
Debra Kolste, former WI State Assembly Representative

"I endorse Ann Roe for Representative of Wisconsin’s 44th State Assembly District. Ann’s work ethic and commitment to serving her community as a college teacher, business owner and volunteer are clear signs of how hard she will work for the 44th and our state. Join me in supporting her campaign."
Tim Cullen, former WI State Senator

"I am endorsing Ann Roe for Wisconsin’s 44th District Assembly representative. Ann has proven her commitment to our community throughout her 30 years of living and working in Janesville as a small business owner and teacher. I know she will work hard for every single person and our state when she gets to Madison. Please join me in supporting her campaign."
Erica Boehlke-- Rock County Board Supervisor and retired WI state agent

"I wholeheartedly endorse Ann Roe for the 44th Assembly District. Her unwavering dedication to
volunteerism through Woman’s Club and Downtown Janesville, coupled with her proven track
record of success as a small business owner and public educator demonstrates her commitment
to positive change. Ann Roe possesses the vision, integrity and leadership skills needed to
effectively address the challenges facing our community and to champion the interests of all
people. Working with her for the last 20 years on boards, I am confident that Ann Roe will
continue to serve with excellence and make a meaningful difference in Janesville and the
surrounding areas. Please join me in supporting her campaign."
Tod Ohnstad , WI State Representative

"I am endorsing Ann Roe for the WI 44 th District State Assembly seat. I have known Ann for several
years and she works hard, believes in public service and will serve not only the 44 th district, but
our entire state. Join me in supporting her in her campaign."
Fritz Elsen, Social Studies Teacher, Craig High School, Janesville

"I have known Ann for nearly 10 years and witnessed her advocacy on behalf of students, families and our community. Ann will serve all of the people in our district with that same energy and commitment."
Robert Spoden , Retired Rock County Sheriff

"Today I am pleased to announce my endorsement of Ann Roe for the 44 th Assembly District. I
have known Ann for several years, both on a social and professional level. I have watched her
as she has demonstrated numerous times her commitment to our community. As a former
sheriff and law enforcement professional, I am confident in her abilities to ensure the safety
and security of our district. She is dedicated to upholding law and order and confronting the
drug and alcohol issues that our youth face today. She will see that the same quality of life we
have enjoyed will continue today and tomorrow. I urge voters to elect her and send her to
represent us in Madison."
Greg Ardrey, School District of Janesville Board Member
"I wholeheartedly endorse Ann Roe as the ideal candidate for the 44th Assembly District in Wisconsin. Ann has proven herself an active listener and experienced communicator with a demonstrated commitment to our community for the last 30 years. Her diverse background as a nonprofit leader, educator, small business owner, and community advocate equips her with the skills needed to effectively serve in the Assembly in Madison."
David O’Leary, Rock County District Attorney

"I am honored to endorse Ann Roe for Wisconsin’s 44th State Assembly District. I have known Ann for years as a teacher at UW Whitewater, the owner of her own business and as a friend. She has a passion to help others, a dedicated work ethic and the courage to run for political office. I look forward to seeing all that she will accomplish in Madison. Please join me in supporting Ann Roe for Assembly."
Wes Davis, Retired Teacher and former Rock County Supervisor

"After conversing with Ann, I appreciate her dedication to our community and her many years of teaching at the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater. As a long-time teacher myself and active environmentalist, I know Ann will listen, ask questions and work in the state house to create and pass smart legislation that supports agri-business development and guarantees our natural resources for future generations to come."
Tom Wolfe, Police and Fire Commissioner, City of Janesville

"As members of the Janesville Morning Rotary Club, Ann and I pledge service to others above self. I appreciate Ann’s service to our community through her work with the School District of Janesville to plan for the future success of our children. Ann’s service on the board of Downtown Janesville, Inc. has led to conversations with the Janesville Police Department to enhance security by installing cameras and educating business owners on best practices. Ann cares about our community and has the knowledge and experience to continue her service to us in Madison."
Wisconsin Farm Bureau

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Mission Statement: "As the largest general farm organization in the state, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation serves as a voice for farmers. Our mission is to lead the farm and rural community through legislative representation, education, public relations and leadership development."
International Brotherhood of Eletrical Workers (IBEW) Local 890 and 2160

Wisconsin Education Association Council

Wisconsin Education Association Council Mission Statement: "We advocate for great public education for the common good. Together, we embrace advocacy, collaboration, professionalism, social justice and economic security for Wisconsin Public School students, families and educators."
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

SEIU Mission Statement: "We are the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), an organization of 2 million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide - and dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a more just and humane society."
Clean Wisconsin Action Fund

"Everyone has the right to clean water, breathable air, and a healthy community. We’re committed to equity and inclusion."
Wisconsin Realtors Association

Wisconsin Progress

Wisconsin Progress Mission Statement: "We envision a Wisconsin that is a better, more equitable place to live, work, and raise a family. To meet that end, we recruit, train, elect and develop progressive candidates and leaders for local and state legislative office."
Wisconsin Conservation Voters

Wisconsin Progress Mission Statement: "We envision a Wisconsin that is a better, more equitable place to live, work, and raise a family. To meet that end, we recruit, train, elect and develop progressive candidates and leaders for local and state legislative office."
Sierra Club

Sierra Club Mission Statement: "The Mission of the Sierra Club is to explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out those objectives."
International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW)

UAW Mission Statement: "If government is to be the means by which people achieve a humanitarian and equitable society, it must be a responsible and accountable government."
UFCW: America's Food and Retail Union, Local 1473

"Ann is a strong voice for labor, she is exactly what we need in the assembly to regain the labor protections we once had and lead Wisconsin with policies that impacts the working class." - President Jake Bailey, UFCW, Local 1473
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Laborers District Council

Wisconsin Laborers District Council Mission Statement: "Our mission is to identify, develop, and promote issues of mutual benefit and concern to both labor and management."
AFT - Wisconsin

"We are excited to work with you on our common priorities, including the need to expand educational funding and opportunities, establish a true living wage, and protecting the environment for all Wisconsin residents. We are especially excited to partner with you to ensure all public employees have the right to collectively bargaining. Working families need legislators who will address and act on these issues in Madison. [...] There is power when union members run for office. All workers have a seat at the table.
AFT-Wisconsin members around the state stand with you and your campaign. We look
forward to working with you. "
Janesville Firefighters - Local 580

Teamsters - Joint Council 39

National Association of Social Workers - WI PAC

United Steel Workers